Industry Manufacturers will submit/ donate their best “Product of the Year” to be evaluated by a committee selected from end user groups, who will determine the best-of-the best by ranking the products on Fit, Form, Finish, and Functionality.
The Industry Choice Awards is a free focus group of 30 independent evaluators from various market segments of the industry. The evaluation team is comprised of competition shooters, LE and Military, Gunsmiths, range owners, and general firearms product enthusiast.
Product evaluations are shared exclusively with the submitting company to promote fair and unbiased feedback.
Product may be returned or donated for raffles to assist evaluator expenses and the Generation 3 501c3 organization that provides scholarships for junior shooter competitors.
The ICA is sponsored and funded by Oneida Molded Plastics as a benefit to the outdoor recreational sports market growth. OMP is in no way associated with the evaluation result outcomes and no expectation or requirements for using OMP services is solicited (although you are nuts if you don’t consider us for your plastics and decorating needs!) March
Results will be announced on June 1st, 2022 live broadcast.